Friday, August 30, 2013

That Crazy Thing Called Love

I haven’t done much writing lately, but so many questions and feeling that I have.
What is it about someone that makes another person let them into their life, even when their logical brain is telling them to watch out? Why do some (rare) people seem to possess that magical quality that makes you fall head over heels, flat on your face, and stupidly ignore all internal warning bells until further notice? How can you turn it off? How can people that SEEM right for you not be the ones that grab your heart, while the one that CLEARLY isn’t is the one that you stop everything for?
And how can I still feel so much? When I know he don’t feel at all. How can I still cry like it happened just the night before?
I wish there was a way to turn my feelings off. Get rid of my emotions. I need to hide my heart. It’s a simple notion. When I meet his eyes and enter past the sheath of attraction
He sees me. :)
For me and cups my flaws.
In his willingness to love me.
He's that guy.
Finally... ahahaha
I fall in love with broken souls, and bent perspectives,
Every time I see the sunset during my breaks
it makes me smile because today I have something to live for.
I fall in love with doubt, and infrequency,
Every time I see the way he move so softly.
The Moments I knew I was falling for him.
And I am like Cinderella.
I fall in love. I was prepared to give him everything. I dressed myself up, made me beautiful, did it all. I let myself fall in love too quickly. And like Cinderella, I have an expiration date. I only have so long before I will fall apart. I can’t wait forever for an answer. I just can’t ... I just can't to wait the right time until I am ready to the thing called "marriage" :')