Saturday, December 29, 2012

Same But Different

me and my sisters 
"I just want to let you know. You mean the world to me. Only a heart as dear as yours. Would give so unselfishly. The many things you’ve done. 
All the times that you were there. Help me know deep down inside. How much you really care. Eventhough I might not say. I appreciate all you do. Richly blessed is how I feel. Having sisters just like you.. "

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

a little of memories but a thousand of warmth

I always remember when I was introduced to his family, his little warm, friendly, and simple family. And I still remember the way he introduced me to his grandmother. She was very kind , very generous, very homely, very garrulous, then I started love her, I fell in love with him because of his grandmother. Until oneday, the fate separates us, (I mean me and he). I was very afraid, I couldn’t meet his grandmother anymore, but it never happended, the silaturahmi of us stiil running. And when I heard she was sick, I felt like my family got sick too. I saw her helpless, and I pray to God, 
“Oh Allah.. I hope this is not the last time I met her”, but in fact, tonight, His friend told me that she has passed away. :’( now, I can only say, thank you for being my grandmother, and thank you because you are very nice to me. may allah accept you in heaven. Aamiin. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

dark blue and light pink

dark blue and light pink
Location : village at Puncak 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

On Mother's Day

Tonight I write this poem in dedication to you, Although no words can say how I feel.
Mom, you’ve always been the best
A better mom than all the rest.
I’m thankful for all the things you do
I’m glad my mom is extra special you!
The thousands of things you did for me
that helped make me happier, stronger and wiser,
because I had you as a role model.
I'm grateful for all the times
you healed my hurts and calmed my fears,
so that I could face the world
feeling safe and secure.
I'm thankful for all you showed me
about how to love and give lessons that now bring so many blessings to me each and every day.
Your sacrifices and unselfishness
did not go unnoticed, Mom.
I learned about love from you,
Watching your caring ways.
I learned about joy from you
In fun-filled yesterdays. From you I learned forgiving
Of faults both big and small.
I learned what I know about living.
From you, as you gave life your all.
mom, without you, there would be no me.
Your love, your attention, your guidance,
have made me who I am.
Without you, I would be lost, wandering aimlessly, without direction or purpose.
You showed me the way to serve, to accomplish, to persevere.
Without you, there would be an empty space
I could never fill, no matter how I tried.
Instead, because of you, I have joy, contentment, satisfaction and peace.
You deserve much more than words can say;

You make me feel I always will pray,

“God, please, be with Mom in a special way.
Give her Your blessings throughout the day.
Show her the meaning, the reason for her to stay.
Let Your angels guard her; don’t let her go astray.
Help her see the good of Your work; keep the evil away.
Keep her smiling; dry her tears, if You may.
Let her that whenever there’s trouble,
She can turn to You; You’ll help her struggle.
Let her know that here on Earth,
She’ll never know what she’s really worth,
But up there, up there in Heaven,
She’s guarded by an angel,
Please, let her know how precious she is
In my heart even if I'm not showing this.
Let her know I'm always there
To help her out through my prayer.

I may not feel what she’s passing through,

But let her know I try my best to do.
Let her know that whenever she’s down,
I can feel it without a frown.
Help me see Your goodness through her,
Through Your words wherever I was…”
That’s my prayer for you every night.
May this give you hope in everything in sight.
And please, know that wherever you are,
Know that I love you and care whether I'm near or far…

On Mother’s Day, I want you to know
You’re the greatest mom, and I love you so.
There’s one more thing I want to say:
I wish you Happy Mother’s Day!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Simply Food


I have been really trying to live more simply lately.  Well, more than lately...for the past few years.  I love being more "simple." I like wanting less...  I pay attention to things now.  Especially when grocery shopping. I think that was the hardest behavior to change.  I would go into the grocery store hungry and buy so much junk (seriously...don't go to the store hungry!). I have really simplified my food buying too. In the past, my fridge was over flowing...but so much went to waste.  I felt like I needed a full fridge.  But there is a difference between a full fridge and fridge full of the "right things." I don't buy gallons of milk anymore, or bulk items.  I buy just enough...  Think about how much you go to the much do you really eat?  I feel like we are engrained into scarcity thinking when it comes to food...always have more!  I hate food waste...I really do.

OK...enough of that...

Anyway, this morning I was going through my stuff...and I just keep scaling down.  Maybe it's a coming of age thing...the older I get, the less I want.  It's not always easy to be simple, but it really is gratifying and very fulfilling.  Very very fulfilling.

Less is more...and less is lighter!

I even created a new Pin board to keep me on track. I love looking my foods in fridge. They just calm me down.  Yes...that's another thing about simple living, it's less stressful.  No mind clutter, no physical clutter... Mmmm Hmmm...I like that.  A lot.  And I even feel like I have more time in my day.  Weird...I know.  But I like the side effect.

I hope you are having a simply beautiful day...


Ask Why (?)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Green Chilli

Green Chilli
Location : STBA LIA 
Photografer : @Sivkim_P

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Empty !!

I’m breaking my own heart
Taking it too far down the lonely road
The very thing I've been the most afraid of
I've been doing it from the start, breaking my own heart 
in the December end 

Malam, Hujan, dan Senja

Ini tentang malam yang selalu menunggu datangnya hujan untuk menemaninya melewati waktu. Ini tentang malam yang telah dikhianati siang karena matahari selalu ada dilangitnya. Ini tentang kesetiaan malam yang menanti datangnya rembulan untuk sekedar memberikan kehangatan.

ini tentang malam, hujan dan senja..

Kala itu malam telah membunuh separuh kehidupan didalamnya dengan keheningan, sebelum hujan datang membawakan sedikit keriangan dengan suara derasnya air. Malam mengadu pada hujan tentang kecemburuannya pada pelangi, tentang rembulan yang tak pernah datang, tentang siang dan pagi yang kian membuatnya merasa menyendiri.
Kala itu malam telah memutuskan bahwa memang hujan yang selalu membawakan derai kehangatan dengan beribu airnya. 
Malam tidak sendirian lagi !.
Bermalam-malam, malam habiskan waktu malamnya dengan hujan yang terkadang menghiasinya dengan petir dan dingin. 
Tapi dengan begitu malam tidak sendirian lagi !.
Kala itu malam membuat sore iri karena tak bisa bantu menemani. Namun malam tak peduli karena baginya kini ada hujan yang akan membuatnya berdiri sendiri. 
Karena malam tidak sendirian lagi !.
Dan kala itu juga malam merasakan kesunyian yang perlahan menyakitinya. Hujan tak pernah datang. Malam sempat berfikir mungkin hujan marah padanya.
Bermalam-malam, malam menunggu datangnya hujan, namun hujan tak pernah datang. Malam putuskan untuk bertanya pada pelangi, kemana perginya hujan. pelangi bilang, mungkin hujan sedang mencari senja.
Ketika hujan menemukan senja, maka malam akan menangis dengan penuh penyesalan. Dan itu terjadi pada malam ini. Malam menangis. 
Karena kini malam sendirian lagi !.
Malam pun bertanya pada waktu..
Mengapa malam selalu berteman dengan kesunyian..
Mengapa tak ada rembulan yang menemaninya memecahkan keheningan..
Mengapa hujan masih memberikan kehangatan pada malam ketika hujan telah menemukan senja..
Mengapa siang mengkhianatinya karena matahari telah memberikan sinarnya..
Mengapa kesunyian membunuh malam secara perlahan..
dan waktupun menjawab, karena malam hanya membutuhkan waktu !. 
waktu untuk membuat malam belajar tentang keikhlasan, kesabaran, dan ketakwaan.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dady Said

Izinkan Aku Tuk Melukiskan Kata Cinta Untukmu.. Abi ;')

Teruntuk seorang ayah yang telah mencurahkan segenap keringat, setiap degup jantung, setiap langkah kaki, untuk sebuah hati kecilku..
Pembawa segala gudang ilmu, pengukur desah nafasku, penguat peluhku, tempat sandaran ketika ku dibalut kalut..
Hanya untukmu.. penyemangatku.. ABI..
Yang dengan cucuran keringat dan darahmu.. aku bisa berdiri tegak,
yang dengan rengkuhan tanganmu.. aku bisa merasakan perlindungan,
yang dengan tatap tajammu.. aku tau mana yang benar,
dan yang dengan senyummu, aku memulai hidup dengan ceria
Duhai ayahku..
Darimu, kau bawa aku dikehidupan nyata ini.. mengenal arti rasa dan cinta. Darimu, kau tunjukan aku jalan menuju cintaNya.. kau telah menumbuhkan si kecil penuh ketakmengertian dari kerdil menjadi yang bijaksana dan sabar lalui hari.. selalu tajamkan pikirku, dan benahi jiwaku yang berserakan..
Abiku sayang..
Aku rindu.. rindu masa kecilku dulu.. Engkau hantarkan aku keliling daerah hanya untuk menyampaikan bait bait ayat yang telah ku hafal.. dan kau hanya tersenyum kala aku bertanya “banggakah kau padaku ayah?”
Aku rindu.. ketika engkau tatapku dengan mata teduhmu dan kecup lembut dikeningku.  bersamamu pula telah ku tempuh perjalanan astral merangkai azzam agar tidak keluar dari marka jalanNya.. ketika dunia kampus merenggut keimananku, kau sentuh aku dengan omelan tanda kekhawatiran.
Ayahku yang tercinta..
Andai kata ku bisa bahagiakan jiwamu, pasti akan kulakukan.. sepahit apapun, sesakit apapun akan tetap kulakukan kalau itu yang kau mau.. Yaa allah.. Kekasih abadiku, hamba bersyukur padaMu.. yang telah memberi seorang penjaga  untukku.. dia ayahku.. dengan segenap rasa telah menjagaku disaat ku takut, mengajariku disaat ku tak mengerti, mendukungku disetiap langkahku, menemaniku disaat ku sendiri terasing.. Ia adalah anugrah Ilahi..
Wahai Robbi idzati.. Wahai dzat Yang Maha Pengasih dan penyayang.. penuhilah beliau dengan limpahan cahaya dan makhfirahMu..
Wahai Allahku.. aku telah bersaksi bahwa abi telah menyampaikan amanahMu dan RasulMu untukku J

Tuesday, December 4, 2012