Saturday, November 10, 2012


\(´▽`)/ 10-11-12 ! wow.. that's a beautiful date for wedding :p

We know, Marriage, is an important moment for everyone. Including me. After so long, I hope it's a sacred event to happen in my life. hihhi

I wanna get married but ... I'm afraid to fall in love (again). because *piiiiip *sensor* :p  

and when my friend asked me "Are you single?” 

I answered "NO, I'm in a long distance relationship!!” 

“Aww, where's he from?” 

“The FUTURE !" hihhi.. that's a ridiculous conversation. :p
but, in deep my whole heart I wish that I will get someone who I can act silly with, someone who treats me well and loves being with me and I want to love someone whose heart has been broken, so that he knows exactly how it feels and won't break mine *ouch :') 

and now, I'm just going to keep my heart as well as possible, so that it doesn't break (again). aamiin. 

( ˘ з˘)~♡ congratulations to someone who is getting married today