Thursday, January 3, 2013

three years ago

This was the first time, I could feel sooo~ cold such as in a large refrigerator.
When my sister told me that there was a snow world in Bekasi Square, 
I was very excited.
why (?)

because .... mmm... *sigh* it almost three years ago *uhuk 
(maybe someone in there knew what I mean)
yeah ! it felt like I have to go to there !! I was sooo~ curious.
then, I was trying to incite my niece to go to there, and my brother gave up to not following her request. :p
ohyaa.., my niece called Dini, she was a beautiful annoying girl -..- hahha.

look at my photos !! is it like a snow ? >_<" I think, NO !!
well.. I was really really really disappointed. 

I thought that I could touch the snow.
I thought that I could run in the abroad atmosphere.
I thought that I could back to the past.

but, I am thankful now. indeed.
after I went there, I felt more comfortable to not look back (again). :))

date : 02 January 2012
Location : Bekasi Square